Review: Videodrome (1983)
Watched in a movie theater, thanks to CinePop. 4 Euros each ticket, cheap enough to watch a Cronenberg classic.
I haven’t thought enough about this, so I will just dump a bunch of unconnected thoughts. Nothing very different from my usual posts.
- Replace TV for Internet and it still works
- Late night TV soft porn
- Snuff films
- Gore, who watches that and why?
- James Woods is manipulated by the Media
- Pirate radio/TV
- Still happened in the 90s
- Baudrillard’s Simulacra & Simulation
- Serial Experiments Lain
- eXistenZ
- VTubers and Internet nicknames
- “Soon, all of us will have special names”
- Total Recall vibes
- Specially the special effects, obviously enough
- Conservatives using the exact same methods they criticize
- Marshall McLuhan’s “The media is the message”
- Watching in the theaters is definitely different from watching from home
- Debbie Harry
- She is pretty in this film, but she reminds me someone else
- The Ring/Ringu
- “Forbidden tape”
- Does media make us violent?
- Carmageddon ban in Brazil
I liked it and would (need to) watch it again.