Maracas de Fogo by Lula Côrtes and Zé Ramalho

A long time ago I was at a party (or a club, or a discotecagem before a show) and this incredible song started playing. I remember the floor was pretty empty, which baffled me since the playlist seemed pretty good.

I couldn’t identify what it was, I asked my friends that raised their shoulders. I took the courage and asked the DJ. I immediately took notes, and saved the video on YouTube.

Years later I wanted to hear that song again, which to my surprise was not available. Not only was not available, but there wasn’t a way for me to even know its name or authors! And yes, I tried different tools. So I gave up.

Then the other day my dear friend Luiz Terra recommended this song by Zé Ramalho + Lula Côrtes:

A pretty wild song, which immediately reminded of my lost song. I described the song to him, which said: “maybe it’s part of the same album?”. Which to my surprise, it was!

Of course, wanting to share my enthusiasm I sent the link to a couple friends saying I’ve finally found this lost song, which to my surprise they replied: “oh yeah of course”. Funny how that always happens.

There’s a documentary about the production of that album, which I haven’t watched, but will.

Also here’s an article (in Portuguese) about it.

In the same vein, I also recommend the album Satwa, by the same label, Rozenblit.

In summary, I finally got to end one of my side quests from…10 years ago :)